The Guide to Resumes

Welcome! During our most recent Tuesday Cohort Meeting, panel speakers David Jenkins and Kim Brown talked to our interns about resumes and their vital importance in the interview process. Today, we are going over how to set yourself up with good resume before an important interview!

Resume Tips:

1. Make It Readable

When writing your resume, try to shy away from using crazy jargon that may make it hard to read your resume. You want to make it as easy as possible for the potential employer to read the important facts that you are trying to portray in a resume. Instead of using jargon, a good substitute would be to use key words. When used correctly, key words can increase your chances of being called for an interview. A good rule of thumb is to use keywords that explain your primary skills and and qualifications for the job you’re applying for. Also, be sure to use I-based language instead of we-based language. Remember, you are showcasing YOUR skills.

2. State the Significance of What You Did

Under each experience you put on your resume, be sure to state the significance of what you did. Showcasing your accomplishments allows you to be concise while getting rid of any unnecessary fluff that can take space away from important bits of info. If you don’t have a lot to add to your resume, talk about related projects that you’ve done in school or with others. Talking about projects can help you showcase your skillsets and problem solving abilities.

“Front load all of your most important info to the top of your resume. This way, if people are skimming through your resume they will be able to see all of the most important content quickly.” -David Jenkins

3. Have Other People Look At Your Resume

It can be blatantly obvious to interviewers if your resume has never been looked over before. Spelling errors, repeated info and other small mistakes can send your resume directly into the trash. Taking good care of your resume shows that you are detail oriented, and you don’t want to waste anyones time with unnecessary info. Other people can give you feedback and help you determine what the key points are. They can also tell you if your resume has impact and if it would make them think twice about you.

That’s all for today. Stay tuned next week for the guide to interviews!

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