3 Things to Help Launch Your Career

Last week, Amy Cell from Amy Cell Talent spoke to our interns about how to utilize your previous experiences to position yourself for your next work opportunity.

Your Fit
Obtaining a job that you like to do is important for job satisfaction. Amy says that the first step to finding the career of your dreams is to write down where you want to go. Self-discovery is important to find your fit and Amy suggests utilizing tools such as the Myers-Briggs test or the book “What Color is Your Parachute”. She also says to think about what you enjoy doing and what others say you’re good at to determine your career path. After explaining how to find your place, Amy gave a few suggestions on how to get to your dream job!

As a student, sometimes you don’t always have enough experience to fill your resume. Amy advised students who may need to fill white space on their resume, to include their job title, company name, location, dates and a short description of what the company does. Utilize your job description bullets to show what you want to do, not necessarily what you did. For example, if you were in a sales role but you’re looking for a marketing job, focus your bullet points on the things you did in that role that was more marketing focused.

Amy told interns to write down a list of 30 to 50 organizations that they would like to work for, then get to know those organizations and the people that work for the organization by following them on social media and visiting their website often. If you like what they are doing, great! If not, cross them off the list! Following the organization and connecting with the employees will give you an edge if the organization is ever hiring for your desired position.

Informational Interviews
Reaching out for an informational interview can help you get a better feel for the organization and the type of role you could one day hold.

Amy suggests finding potential informational interviewers through your alumni network and LinkedIn. She also recommends finding someone in a relatable role with five to ten years of experience to keep the interview casual.

Take notes during the informational interview about the relevant information such as their job or company, but also note the seemingly irrelevant information such as hobbies, interests or vacations, and use that information when following up with them. Keep in contact with your new acquaintance.

“It’s a lot of work, but if you do it, you’re much more likely to get the job at the company you want.”

Amy closed by telling the interns to figure out their story and be able to tell that story. Show a potential employer where you want to go and why and tailor it to the job you’re applying for.

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